In the simplest case the layout - it's just a bunch of text on the computer. Of course, it may seem that it is able to deal with everyone, but there is an area of human activity where it is needed-layout specialists. This area - printing, or the release of the printed products. The book editions, there are approximately several tens ofconventional rules of arrangement and design of the text. For example, on a single page should not be more than three kinds of different fonts, first line indent must be no longer than the end of the last one a piece of text can be allocated no more than one way, and so on. D. In the editions of the newspaper format, these rules naturally, are not met. In addition, in each edition, there are other, bound by the same rules. In essence, the coder - one of the initial positions, which many people begin their work in the field of printing. At an earlier stage is a compositor on the PC, however, these positions are often combined. A large num...