Takes into account the income and expenses, prepares
accounting documentation. Prepares and submits reports to the tax office and
other inspection organizations. Is reporting the cost of production (works,
services), shall charge and transfer payments to the state budget,
contributions to non-budgetary funds, employee salaries, taxes and so on. D.
The work is strictly regulated guidelines, decrees and resolutions.
Requirements for the individual needs of the specialist
We need a high level of attention; tabulating skills; RAM;
propensity to work with numbers; emotional stability; the desire to improve the
professional level; systematic tendency to work with the literature;
perseverance; integrity; accuracy; concentration; perseverance; patience;
exacting; pedantry; responsibility; organization.
Accounting work is contraindicated for people who have:
nervous system diseases; deviations in the psyche (mnitelnostvysoky excessive
anxiety, irritability); dystonia with severe headaches (hypertension,
migraine); expressed view of the disease.
Related occupations
Tax inspector, economist, lecturer in an educational
institution, the financier.
This person carrying out documentary audits of
economic-financial activity of the enterprises.
Job Function
Carried out in accordance with current regulations and
guidelines planned and on special assignments documentary audits of
economic-financial activity of the enterprises on the accounting of the
property, liabilities and business operations, as well as their units are on
the balance sheet. Prepares timely audit results and submit them to the
relevant authorities for necessary action. Gives Guidelines managers audited
object to eliminate violations and deficiencies, conduct control tests of work
performed. Controls the reliability of accounting incoming fixed assets,
inventory items and cash, timely reflection on the accounts of accounting
operations associated with their movement is correct expenditure of materials,
fuel, electricity, cash, compliance cost estimates, the procedure of reporting
on the basis of primary documents and the organization of inventory and
accounting departments in the enterprise, as well as the timeliness of transfer
taxes and fees, and the payment of wages. Participates in the development and
implementation of measures aimed at improving efficiency in the use of funds,
strengthening of control over economic and financial activities of the
enterprise, safeguarding ownership of the enterprise and the proper
organization of accounting. Shall take the necessary measures to use the modern
means. Supervises the activities of employees on issues of accounting and
reporting. the procedure for reporting on the basis of primary documents and
the organization of inventory and accounting departments in the enterprise, as
well as the timeliness of transfer taxes and fees, and the payment of wages.
Participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at
improving efficiency in the use of funds, strengthening of control over economic
and financial activities of the enterprise, safeguarding ownership of the
enterprise and the proper organization of accounting. Shall take the necessary
measures to use the modern means. Supervises the activities of employees on
issues of accounting and reporting. the procedure for reporting on the basis of
primary documents and the organization of inventory and accounting departments
in the enterprise, as well as the timeliness of transfer taxes and fees, and
the payment of wages. Participates in the development and implementation of
measures aimed at improving efficiency in the use of funds, strengthening of
control over economic and financial activities of the enterprise, safeguarding
ownership of the enterprise and the proper organization of accounting. Shall
take the necessary measures to use the modern means. Supervises the activities
of employees on issues of accounting and reporting. and the organization of
inventory and accounting departments in the enterprise, as well as the
timeliness of transfer taxes and fees, and the payment of wages. Participates
in the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving efficiency
in the use of funds, strengthening of control over economic and financial
activities of the enterprise, safeguarding ownership of the enterprise and the
proper organization of accounting. Shall take the necessary measures to use the
modern means. Supervises the activities of employees on issues of accounting
and reporting. and the organization of inventory and accounting departments in
the enterprise, as well as the timeliness of transfer taxes and fees, and the
payment of wages. Participates in the development and implementation of
measures aimed at improving efficiency in the use of funds, strengthening of
control over economic and financial activities of the enterprise, safeguarding
ownership of the enterprise and the proper organization of accounting. Shall
take the necessary measures to use the modern means. Supervises the activities
of employees on issues of accounting and reporting. aimed at improving
efficiency in the use of funds, strengthening of control over economic and
financial activities of the enterprise, safeguarding ownership of the
enterprise and the proper organization of accounting. Shall take the necessary measures
to use the modern means. Supervises the activities of employees on issues of
accounting and reporting. aimed at improving efficiency in the use of funds,
strengthening of control over economic and financial activities of the
enterprise, safeguarding ownership of the enterprise and the proper
organization of accounting. Shall take the necessary measures to use the modern
means. Supervises the activities of employees on issues of accounting and
job specifications
Auditor General Category I: higher professional (economic)
education and work experience in the position of Auditor General of II category
at least 3 years. Auditor General Category II: higher professional (economic)
education without requiring a length of service or secondary professional
(economic) education and work experience as an accountant-auditor for at least
3 years. Auditor General: secondary professional (economic) education without
requiring a length of service or special training according to the established
program and work experience in accounting and control at least 3 years.
Accountant pretenzionist person performing the accounting,
audit and financial control of the enterprise.
Job Function
Performs accounting, audit and financial control in
enterprises and the national economy organizations, small businesses,
joint-venture, verifies the accuracy of the information received, controls
soblyulenie legality in the expenditure of funds within its jurisdiction to
apply legislation correctly is the legal documents, qualitative It organizes
and conducts clerical work, is self-supporting jobs, or contracts with
contractors self-supporting units and controls their execution. I must know:
statistics, finance, credit, business analysis, management basics, specific
technology sectors of the economy, its economy, organization and planning,
reporting methodology, the organization of legal service in the sectors of the
economy, State and Business Law, Principles of arbitration activity, conduct
contract work. Professionally important qualities: the ability to quickly and
correctly considered, the ability to analyze the numbers, their dynamics to
understand the essence of the production processes and be able to influence
them in time, patience, endurance, perseverance, a monotonous and painstaking
resistance. Medical conditions: poor vision, diseases of the nervous system.
Cost accountant
Calculation of dishes and products, cost calculation; food
Job Function
Development and preparation of the menu, the calculation process
and calculation cards, commodity reports. Inventory, identifying surpluses and
shortages, the cost of cancellation, the full document production records.
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